[SM-Discuss] sorcery excluded
Treeve Jelbert
2017-03-01 18:03:22 UTC
I am getting very frustrated with the excluded file.

I am trying to prevent the install log listing anything from '/var/git'

My currnet exclude file contains:


but the install log contains:

755 root:root /var
775 root:root /var/git
755 root:root /var/git/qt5
755 root:root /var/git/qt5/x86_64
755 root:root /var/git/qt5/x86_64/qt5-apps
755 root:root /var/git/qt5/x86_64/qt5-apps/kh-acct
644 root:root /var/git/qt5/x86_64/qt5-apps/kh-acct/.ninja_deps
644 root:root /var/git/qt5/x86_64/qt5-apps/kh-acct/.ninja_log
644 root:root /var/git/qt5/x86_64/qt5-apps/kh-acct/install_manifest.txt
755 root:root /var/git/qt5/x86_64/qt5-apps/kh-acct/src
755 root:root /var/git/qt5/x86_64/qt5-apps/kh-acct/src/qt
755 root:root /var/git/qt5/x86_64/qt5-apps/kh-acct/src/qt/CMakeFiles
755 root:root
644 root:root

However in some cases it works correctly!
I have tried many variations on this pattern.

Any ideas as to what I am missing?

Regards, Treeve
Thomas Orgis
2017-03-01 22:34:14 UTC
Am Wed, 01 Mar 2017 19:03:22 +0100
Post by Treeve Jelbert
I am getting very frustrated with the excluded file.
I am trying to prevent the install log listing anything from '/var/git'
Did I miss something? Why is this not /var/git/* ?


